Purpose:This site is intended to share my photography - which includes wildlife and the natural world; candid, custom and theatrical portraiture; fine art; architecture and street photography. I aim for simplicity, lyricism, clarity and sensuality in my images and, when possible, humor. This is not high concept photography; I simply try to engage you. I am posting wildlife less frequently of late on this site and more often on Facebook - but I shall continue to post travel images here.
Browsing:Please browse the "Galleries" on the Navigation Bar above. Each Gallery has subordinate "rooms" which are named on drop-down menus visible under the Gallery name. The navigation bar is visible at the top of every page. The current Gallery is highlighted on the Navigation Bar so you can click to go to any other Gallery or back Home from any Gallery.
The Galleries are extensive so do not try to see everything in one sitting (unless you are shopping - then knock yourself out). If you like what you see on a first viewing, come back from time to time to see new images or revisit favorites. I try to add new images from time to time; upon making significant additions I update "What's new?" below to let you know. When you go to a new page, please give it time to populate with all thumbnails before browsing.
The Images: The images here are low-resolution - to speed loading; they will pixelate if printed or significantly enlarged on-screen. The originals have significantly higher resolution and print in 'glorious' detail. Most will print nicely to at least 36" in the long dimension. These are a sample of my libraries. If you are interested in a specific subject (or wish custom work, lessons or guidance) please write.
Scope: Many photographer's websites include a small number of particularly expressive and powerful images. That saves you viewing time and is very appealing. However, those few images represent a small and atypical part of their portfolio; what you see is likely not what you can anticipate in the normal course when hiring them, nor does it give you a sense of their "eye". On this site, I share a broad collection of images so you can anticipate what I will do if I shoot for you.
Links:Any text in Red andunderscored is a hyperlink to the subject of the text; one (left) mouse click on the link will take you there. (Linked sites external to these Galleries are unaffiliated with FredCohenPhotography and no endorsement should be inferred from the link - in either direction.)
Publications: My photography has been published in the U.S. and abroad by clients including PBS (U.S.), Harry N. Abrams, Inc. (U.S.), Lera Magazine and "Keramiken och Skyskrapan" by Sofia Tjernstrom (published by Arkus, Sweden), Fefinans Palace (Spain), the township of Byram, NJ and Sue Kreitzman (UK) among others. My images also appear from time to time on various third-party blogs, websites and Facebook pages including numerous items in Woman Around Town, the Metropolitan Room, Mommy Poppins, The Big Apple Circus, BroadwayWorld, Theater Pizzazz, Cabaret Scenes, and the sites of various cabaret performers; I also shot for 3+ years, on a pro bonobasis, for the Wild Bird Fund (New York) as well as its blog and Facebook pages and the NYCwetlands;my photography has been published in the NY Times, The NY Daily News and Time Magazine.
Recognition: In November 2016, I was awarded grand prize in the 2016 Tamron Travel Photography competition. And, of course, you are here viewing my work; thanks.
What's new?: I have recently up-loaded the Mexico - dipping a toe page. I have also added an active link (in the first paragraph above) to my now aging Facebook Albums (because there are lots of wonderful images there.)
Technical problems: If you are having a technical problem using the site, please use the "Contact Me" link to tell me the problem in reasonable detail and I will make every effort to fix it.
Comments, outrageous flattery, suggestionsand requests - make them here: Contact Me. (Please also use this page to report duplicated pictures in any gallery.)
All images on this site are proprietary and copyrighted. No license for copying or use is implied or grantedby this site or by permitting, enabling or inviting access to this site.
There is no connection or relationship between myself and the Israeli-born photographer Fred Cohen maintaining fredcohenphotography.com.